In our company we hosted students of grade 8 from the School and Kindergarten Complex No. 12 in Wrocław. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize young people with the printing industry as a direction for further education and to take up professional work in this area in the future.
During the presentation of the plant, the students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the specifics of office, production and warehouse work as well as general health and safety rules. The visit included the presence in office rooms, where the leaders could talk about the aspects of work in customer acquisition. The presentation of workstations in the production halls brought closer the processes of machine operation and the printing process, packaging, packaging methods, etc. We also showed warehouse halls, which are currently operated to a large extent with the use of computer systems.
We hope that a visit to the Wropak plant will encourage the hosted young people to take up further education in the fields of printing and we will meet them in some time at a recruitment interview at our headquarters.